We are the largest tabletop miniature tournament organizer in the world. Starting with the London Grand Tournament in 2016, we have grown to now host events across the country for over 20+ game systems, including popular favourites like Warhammer and Star Wars. Our tournaments range in size from 400+ player team events, all the way up to our 800+ player 40k event at the LGT which itself caters to more than 20 different game systems and almost 2,000 attendees. A summary of our events is below you can click through the links to find out more, or select the event you are interested in from the drop down menu above.
The London GT - September: quite simply, the biggest 40k tournament in the world aside from LVO. 800 players for 40k, and most other popular game systems represented.
​The Nottingham GT - January
The Winter International Team Tournament - February
The Manchester GT - March​​
The South Coast Super Major - March​
The Sheffield GT - April
​The Spring International Team Tournament - May​
The Bristol GT - June
The Leeds GT - July
The London GT - September: quite simply, the biggest 40k tournament in the world aside from LVO. 800 players for 40k, and most other popular game systems represented.
The Coventry GT - October​
The Autumn International Team Tournament - November​
The Leicester GT - December
Hopefully you can make it to one soon, we'd love to have you!